Biology 150 - Introduction to Microbiology 
Winogradsky Column and Microbial Identification
September 4th - December 11th
Dustin Romine, Evan Haas (Group 4) 

We obtained the mud and water samples for our Winogradsky columns from Big Walnut Creek at a location just behind the Greencastle waste-water treatment plant. We gathered our sample on September 4th. Our group decided to set up two Winogradsky columns so that we could compare the growth in the two columns. One column was placed on a lab bench in the laboratory and was subject to varying light conditions based on whether or not the lights in the room were on. The second column was placed on a lab bench and a 75 watt light bulb was allowed to shine on it at all times. This was done so that we could observe what effects an added stimulus had on a Winogradsky column. Our column under light changed dramatically over time. It had many multi-colored growths throughout the entire semester. Colors ranged from black to bright orange and included everything in between. The column that was not under light did not go through many dynamic changes. It seemed to remain rather static for much of the semester. Whereas the column under light showed colorful changes right away, the column that was not under light did not show any colorful growths until the semester was almost over. We were able to partially identify or completely identify seven bacterial isolates from our column. We isolated the following organisms.

Results and Discussion