A. Merritt. The
Moon Pool. Edited by Michael Levy. Middletown, CT: Wesleyan UP,
5 1/2" x 8 1/2", 352 pp., 8 b/w illus.
Unjacketed cloth, 0-8195-6706-X $65.00, Paper, 0-8195-6707-8, $24.95

"This edition
of The Moon Pool is a rare accomplishment: a scholarly edition
of a piece of pulp fiction. Levy's edition does a service to the whole
genre."---John Huntington, author of Rationalizing
"As one of
the most popular early works at the very birth of pulp magazines, The
Moon Pool represents the tastes of this period. The introduction
constitutes the major piece of Merritt scholarship to appear in decades."---Gary
K. Wolfe, author of The Known and the Unknown