Using a PDP-11/10 to Teach Content and History in Computer Organization Courses
David Berque and Douglas Harms
Presented at SIGCSE 2001

This website contains supplemental material to "Using a PDP-11/10 to Teach Content and History in Computer Organization Courses", by David Berque and Douglas Harms, and presented at SIGCSE 2001.

The Paper

The paper is available in pdf format.

The Video

The 15 minute PDP-11 video is available in quicktime format. Please contact Doug Harms or Dave Berque if you have problems with downloading or viewing these videos.

Low Resolution (31 MB)
High Resolution (129 MB)

If you show this video to your students we would appreciate any comments you and/or your students have.


Surveys administered to students after watching the video are available in MSWord and pdf formats.  If you show this video to a computer organization course, and you feel this survey is appropriate, we would appreciate it if you would forward your results to us.

Hello World Program

The PDP-11 machine language and assembly language programs to print "HELLO WORLD" on the system console are referenced in the video.  Copies of these programs are available in MSWord and pdf formats.

SIGCSE Presentation

The PowerPoint slides from our presentation at SIGCSE 2001 in Charlotte, NC, on 23 February 2001 are available as a zip file here.

Please send comments/suggestions/etc. to either Dave Berque ( or Doug Harms (