
WALL-E, short for Waste Allocation Load Lifter Earth-Class, is the main character of the film. He is one of many mobile trash compactors created by the Buy 'N Large Corporation to clean up Earth while the human race is out in space. It is hinted that he, along with his pet cockroach. have been the only living things on Earth for a long time. WALL-E runs on solar power, repairs himself with the used parts of other broken down Wall-E's, and even has a home, full of odd knickknacks he picks up on the job. While he rarely speaks during the movie, his binocular eyes and habit of quickly retracting himself into his cube when he senses fear easily express his emotions to the viewers. Ben Burt was the sound engineer who created Wall-E's ranges of beeps and blurts. |
EVE, short for Extraterrestrial Vegetation Evaluator, is a sleek, modern robot who's primary function is to search the Earth for vegetation, in order to evaluate if the Earth is ready to sustain life again. When she is first introduced to the audience, she seems an emotionless being with a slight obsession to use her plasma cannon in any possible situation, which multiple times almost leads to WALL-E's demise. As the film progresses, she develops emotions, especially towards WALL-E, climaxing at the end with her putting him before her programming directive. Her character was voiced by actress Elissa Knight. |
Captain is, as his name implies, the pilot and commander of the Axiom. He, like most of the humans on the ship, has accepted the fact that they are not going back to the Earth anytime soon and lets Auto run most of the ships commands. Once he becomes informed of the possibility of returning to Earth, he humorously becomes infatuated with the way life use to be on Earth. He then bravely fights Auto for control of the ship, and after being victorious, triumphantly steers the Axiom and her passengers back to Earth at the end of the film. Jeff Garlin provides Captain's voice. |
Shelby Forthwright
Forthwright, portrayed by Frank Willard, is the CEO of the Buy 'n Large company and the initiator of the Earth clean-up project. Soon he realizes the Earth has become too noxious and is last seen in a hologram, donning a gas suit, telling Captain that the reclamation project is a bust and soon after abandons his project to get on one of the last ships departing to space. |
AUTO is the Axiom's auto-pilot and onboard computer, and its only focus is to follow Directive A113. This Directive is to never let the ship return to Earth. This forces him into the antagonist position in the movie, with it attempting to destroy the plant life EVE finds on Earth. AUTO takes over control of the ship from the Captain towards the end, but eventually is shut off in a final struggle with the Captain. AUTO's voice was engineered by Burt as well. |
M-O, short for Microbe Obliterator, is the robot in charge of making sure that the Axiom is clean of all "foreign containment." He quickly becomes frustrated by the amount of "foreign containment" that WALL-E brings on board the ship, and provides a good comic relief as he constantly follows WALL-E around the Axiom, attempting to clean up his mess. M-O's voice was also engineered by Burt. |
Reject Bots
The Reject Bots, as shown in this picture while being led by EVE and WALL-E, are malfunctioning robots that EVE and WALL-E meet in the sickbay. These malfunctioning bots not only add to the humor of the movie, but also are pivotal in helping WALL-E and EVE eventually make it to the ships halo-detector. |
Created by Nathan Cummins, a student at DePauw University. If you have any questions, comments, or just want to gab, please email me
Created on December 2nd, 2008. Updated December 3rd, 2008. |