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Critical Reviews "Niccols succeeded in creating a bleak but entirely probable future that had people terrified...The film effectively transforms racism, with all of its ways of disadvantaging people into what it terms 'genoism'." -Kathleen Ellis (Australian Screen Education)
"GATTACA spotlights some thorny issues regarding genetic discrimination and technology in this, the tenth anniversary of the first funding for the Human Genome Project. Just how far might prospective parents be willing to go if offered the chance to shape their child’s physical and psychological profile before birth?" -Kevin Davies (Nature)
"GATTACA (1997) boldly explores what might happen if society took 'DNA perfection' too far, by reading every individual's genome to determine their place in society." -The Cambridge Companion To Science Fiction
"GATTACA’s approach is not only unique among bioethics texts; it is virtually alone among recent popular-culture narratives in its rejection of the genetic-determinist ideology." -David A. Kirby (Science Fiction Studies) http://www.depauw.edu/sfs/kirby81art.htm
“This is one of the smartest and most provocative of science fiction films, a thriller with ideas” -Roger Ebert http://www.suntimes.com/ebert/ebert_reviews/1997/10/102403.html
“Gattaca has one of the best mixes of subtle social commentary and entertainment that has been seen in a Hollywood release in years and it doesn’t need any of Huxley’s soma to give it plausibility.” - Carrie Gorringe (Nitrate Online Review) http://www.nitrateonline.com/rgattaca.html
“The average thriller, even if it's set in a faraway or futuristic world, tends to offer visceral, ephemeral excitement, and not much else. However, while Gattaca has the energy and tautness to compare with the best of those, its thought-provoking script and thematic richness elevate it to the next level.” -James Berardinelli http://movie-reviews.colossus.net/movies/g/gattaca.html
“Imagine an Orwellian story presented with a cool, eerie precision like Peter Greenaway's and you have some sense of "Gattaca," a handsome and fully imagined work of cautionary futuristic fiction.” - Janet Maslin (New York Times) http://www.nytimes.com/library/film/102497gattaca-film-review.html
Related Links http://us.imdb.com/title/tt0119177/ http://web.princeton.edu/sites/lsilver/wws320/Films/students/Wu_Hsieh/pages/gattaca.htm http://www.sciflicks.com/gattaca http://www.ratical.com/co-globalize/PoGEH.html http://movies.go.com/movies/G/gattaca_1997/index.html http://home.vicnet.net.au/~richard/gattaca.htm http://web.princeton.edu/sites/lsilver/wws320/Films/students/Wu_Hsieh/pages/gattaca.htm http://www.wired.com/wired/archive/5.10/genome.html?topic=genetics&topic_set=newtec...> http://www.ornl.gov/sci/techresources/Human_Genome/home.shtml
Works Referenced Appleyard, Bryan. Brave New Worlds : Staying Human in the Genetic Future. New York : Viking, 1998. Bryant, S.L. "Evolutionary Wisdom or Genetic Roulette?" Science 31 Oct. 1997: 882. Davies, Kevin. "Descrimination Down to a Science." Nature 11 Jun. 1997: 33. Ellis, Kathleen. "Reinforcing the Stigma: The Representation of Disability in GATTACA." Australian Screen Education, Spring2003 Issue 32, p111, 4p. Fukuyama, Francis. Our Posthuman Future : Consequences of the Biotechnology Revolution. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2002.
Gattaca. Dir. Andrew Niccol. Perf. Ethan Hawke, Jude Law, and Uma Hayes, Richard. "The Politics of Genetically Engineered Humans." Loka Institute 9 May 2000. 16 Mar. 2004 <http://www.ratical.com/co-globalize/PoGEH.html>.
James, Edward and Farah Mendlesohn, eds. The Cambridge Companion to
Science Kirby, David A. “The New Eugenics in Cinema: Genetic Determinism and Gene Therapy in GATTACA.” Science Fiction Studies 27.81 July 2000: 1-14. Smith, George Patrick. The New Biology: Law, Ethics, and Biotechnology. New York: Plenum Press, 1989.