Genetics Sites: Science & Issues
Center for Genetics and Society: A great overview of the genetics world, discussing the technologies, policies, perspectives and resources regarding the science.
Human Genome Project Information: An excellent resource concerning the recently-completed Human Genome Project.
Office of Biotechnology Activities: Federal policy on biotech provided by the National Institute of Health.
United Nations: The UN site dealing with human cloning.
Indigenous Peoples Council on Biocolonialism: A website dedicated to the perspectives and protection of indigenous peoples.
Global Lawyers and Physicians for Human Rights: Global policies on genetic technology.
Human Gene Therapy: The role that the FDA plays in human genetic research and therapy.
Eugenics Archive: A great look at the history of eugenics in American life.
First Things: A Catholic publication featuring articles by renowned bioethicists such as Leon Kass.
Genetic Engineering News: An up-to-date news source devoted solely to the development of genetic technology and one of the most widely read in the field.
Genetic Engineering Network: A website devoted to opposed to GM technology.